We get it, you love living on the road. We also love that you live on the road. But, sometimes you need a place to [literally] recharge the batteries.

Bring your dog, your pile of laundry, and your van to our center of the USA safe haven and hang for a bit while you work remote and recharge your life. We will pour the coffee and happily share stories over whiskey.  

Inquire - stay@engine13.co

Headed West - Chasing Sunsets in Texas


On a limited first come, first served basis, we are offering something very unique to engine13 - you have a place to come and stay for a while, recharge your [van] batteries, get unlimited hot water, do laundry, clean the van, fix any issues, replenish supplies, and, if desired, upgrade your rig. We can help, and are happy to have you.

You will have indoor parking, lots of wifi, your own guest suite, and access to [most of] the facilities.